So as a blogger, I should probably tell you a bit about myself.
I try to stay very open minded, because frankly, I don't agree with the saying, "An old dog cannot learn new tricks." There's a lot about this world that I'm not exactly sure of yet, but I do my best to learn new things every day. This world, in my eyes, is just a giant contradiction that isn't actually meant to be understood. Learning and understanding are two different things, mind you. I love learning, but understanding? That's not really my area of expertise.
I am good at a lot of things, I think. A few of those things would be fucking everything up, singing, acting, lying, and eating. Other than that, I'm just a really big bullshitter. When it comes to religious views, I'm in the process of becoming catholic. Not to say that I agree with everything in the bible; I am bisexual and have been aware of this for about a year. He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, however, introduced me to the faith and the church. I had been trying to find God for months and months before this, but I was always left empty-handed. One day, I went to Sunday evening mass with He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named and the rest of his family. Let me tell you readers; I watched that man kneel before his God and pray with complete love and adoration of something that I simply didn't know. In that moment, there was nothing in the world that could convince me that what he felt was not real. The most rational thinker I had ever come to know with the intelligence of beyond a damned genius was on his knees before God. I wanted that, too. So, going to Sunday evening mass with them became routine and finding God was the best thing that had ever happened to me.
He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named did more than just teach me how to love God. He taught me the meaning of acceptance and what it was like to love someone not just for their body, but for their soul. He taught me what it meant to feel precious and special, and never once sexualized me or pressured me or any of that. He made me feel... worth the bullshit that I put him through.
I am a Sophomore at China Spring High School. My best classes are English, World History, and Theatre. I am in the advanced Choir and have five medals for solo/ensemble. I take singing lessons with the absolute best teacher in the universe.
Now that I've introduced myself a bit, maybe you'll understand the rest of my posts. Happy blogging, everyone!